Episode 60: John Asher

May 17, 2022 00:34:41
Episode 60: John Asher
A Dealmaker's DNA with Ilan Jacobson
Episode 60: John Asher

May 17 2022 | 00:34:41


Show Notes

There are a lot of buzzwords out there. One that you may or may not be familiar with is “proptech” what does it mean? You’ll learn more about it by listening to today’s guest, John Asher. John is the president and co-founder of Konfidis. Listen to the episode to hear what John knows about self-teaching, what brought him to the world of startup tech, and what Konfidis is all about.


Topics Discussed in This Episode



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John Asher



Quotes From the Show


“You’ve got to put in the work if you ever actually want to see output.” 


“This company is my midlife crisis, how about that?”


“Whatever happens in the U.S. seems to find its way to Canada eventually.”

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