What is the future of coding, and why is this skillset so important to the younger generations and those that will follow them? Today’s guest has some strong feelings about why it’s so important for all different types of people to learn these skills and have access to jobs in the tech industry.
Heather Payne is the CEO of Juno College. Listen in to learn about what Juno College does, why Heather believes it’s so important, and what led her to become an entrepreneur and found a college.
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Quotes From the Show
“We’ve got deep McDonald’s roots in our family.”
“What I think has been great, especially in recent years, is that there’s a real movement that I have seen and it’s been visible, of women supporting women.”
“As soon as we have people at the table who represent different types of folks, different walks of life, different backgrounds, everything about our product has become better.”
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Today we revisit an interview with Mo Lidsky that took place in early 2020. Mo is the CEO of Prime Quadrant and is a...
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